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Get a good translation or interpretation

Tips for working with a Japanese interpreter or translator

How are interpretation and translation different?

Interpretation is spoken, and translation is written. An interpreter listens to what's said in one language and speaks it into another, helping people who speak different languages communicate with each other. A translator changes information written in one language into another while keeping the original meaning.

How can I get the best out of an interpretation?

Provide materials in advance. For an interpreter, preparation is essential. Even within my specializations, additional understanding of the subject helps me to provide more sensitive interpretation. An explanation of your meeting and purpose, any written material you or other participants have prepared, topics that will be discussed, and links to relevant websites are all very helpful.


How can I get the best out of a translation?

Be available to answer questions and provide background information. If your company had similar documents translated in the past, please provide the translations as examples. Also, be as specific as possible about the text. Will it be used for a website or brochure? An internal meeting or a presentation to a client? If you have specific words you would like to use or avoid, be sure to mention them.

I’m certified by the ATA (American Translators Association) in Japanese to English translation and pursue continuing education to maintain my certification.

I’m certified by New York and New Jersey state courts as a Japanese interpreter.

Are you certified?

Charges vary depending on subject matter and other conditions such as hours for interpretation and deadlines for translations. 

For onsite interpretation, I charge either by the day.

For remote interpretation, I have an hourly fee structure with a minimum.

For translation, I charge by target word count, meaning the total number of English words in the completed translation. 

Please contact me with details of the event or meeting you need interpreted or the document you'd like to translate. I would be happy to provide a quote.


How much do you charge?