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Market Research

Japanese interpreter and translator with extensive marketing and market research experience.

Market Research

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Do you trust real-world experience? I’ve interpreted marketing meetings, with an emphasis on focus groups, and translated marketing materials for 20+ years.


I interpret for marketing meetings, presentations, and focus groups/in-depth interviews (more than 100).

Focus Groups

Focus groups never run as expected. Maybe a respondent speaks super-fast, interrupts or has a strong accent. Or maybe all of the above. Either way, your Japanese clients listening in the backroom can have a hard time understanding what was said.

I make sure your Japanese clients don’t miss a thing—the quick spontaneous comments, tangents, cultural references, and slang.

I’ve simultaneously interpreted focus groups and in-depth interviews for luxury products, automotive, technology, travel, entertainment, beverages, gaming, AI, and cosmetics.

If the focus group is remote, I can connect through Zoom or another platform. I’ve been interpreting on Zoom for several years.


Some of the marketing materials I translate

  • Presentations

  • Brochures

  • Content

  • Internal training documents

  • Marketing research documents including survey questions, focus group prep documents, and reports

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Feel free to drop me a line anyway. I might still be able to help.