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Cosmetics and Culture

Interpreter and translator with 20+ years of cosmetics experience

Cosmetics and Culture

lipstick mascara skincare and other cosmetics


I’ve been interpreting and translating for corporate clients in cosmetics and consumer products for more than 21 years. I cut my teeth working full-time for Shiseido in New York and have never looked back.


  • Global meetings and training

  • Product development meetings

  • Presentations

  • Digital advertising and influencer strategy meetings

  • Photoshoots


  • Creative briefing materials

  • Concepts

  • Product information

  • Insert copy

Japanese Culture

I’ve always had a strong interest in Japanese culture, both pop and traditional. I read manga and Japanese fiction; watch Japanese TV and movies; and learned about traditional culture including tea, lacquerware, cooking, and knife making from clients and events in New York.


  • Pop culture—manga, anime, films, and novels

    I’ve interpreted panels and author presentations at ComicCon and Big Apple Anime Festival.

  • Traditional culture

    Seminars on tea, lacquerware, Japanese armor, Japanese cuisine, and other traditional culture


  • Presentations for seminars

  • Content

  • Leaflets