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Japanese Interpretation

Japanese interpretation — onsite, remote, consecutive, and simultaneous


Japanese Interpretation

You’re totally prepared for your meeting. You’ve created a great presentation. The last hurdle—your audience speaks Japanese, not English.

That’s where I come in.

As an interpreter, I help English and Japanese speakers talk to each other. This can happen onsite or remotely, consecutively or simultaneously. The best interpretation method depends on your meeting or event.

In consecutive interpretation, the speaker says something in one language and then pauses to let the interpreter say it in the other language.

Simultaneous is what a lot of people think of when they hear the word “interpretation.” The speaker says something in their language and the interpreter says it in another language at almost the same time. The speaker doesn’t pause for interpretation.

Let me know about your event or meeting. You may already know what style of interpreting you’d like, but if not, I can tell you what I think works best.

Here are some use cases

  • Focus groups and in-depth interviews

    Interpreted simultaneously

    Can be in person with interpreters in a backroom or remote

  • Global Conferences and Training

    Interpreted simultaneously

    Mostly in person

  • Negotiations and small meetings

    Usually interpreted consecutively

    Can be in person or remote

As an interpreter, I specialize in

  • Marketing and Cosmetics

  • Japanese Culture

  • Business and Finance